WordPress Publishing Failed Error or Updating Failed

WordPress Publishing Failed Error or Updating Failed

I just set up another WordPress website that running on version 5.2.4 after choosing my favorite theme, setup my plugins it’s time to test posting. I am using VPS hosting, mythemeshop theme, latest WordPress version, and SSL activated (htttps) To be surprised I cannot create a post at all. There was an error “Publishing Failed”…

speed up wordpress

Speed Up WordPress Using Cloudflare and WP Fastest Cache Plugin

Speed Up WordPress using Cloudflare and WP Fastest Cache – This is my experience working with the client’s website. While other sites might give you general ways to speed up your WordPress site. In this post, I gave you a very specific requirement to speed up WordPress. About the website: My client website is a…

How To Find My IP Address?

How To Find My IP Address?

What is My IP Address? This is one of the questions you need to answer when you call technical support for help. As a layman, you might don’t know the answer because this is a technical question, instead you asking back with a question “How to find my IP address?” Below are 2 ways to…