How To Fix Corrupted SD Card
There are many reasons that your micro SD card can become corrupted. It can be caused from the operating system crash, virus attack, accidentally deleted files, accidentally formatted SD card, or it cannot be read at all.
Micro SD usually additional memory chip for smartphones, cameras, music player, CCTV and more. The content of SD card could be photos, videos, audios, and other documents.
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Why using Micro SD card
The ultimate reason to add a micro SD card to a smartphone is to make more space on the built-in internal memory when your internal memory had enough free space, the smartphone will perform well and we can install software and take more photos.
If you have a lot of internal memory on your smartphone, you do not need
How to Repair Micro SD card without a program
If you do not have any open source (free) or commercial recovery software (Paid), you can try manual SD card recovery as below:
– Use a pencil eraser to clean up contact pin on SD card
If your SD card is unreadable you can try to remove SD card from your device and clean up all dirty contact pin using the pencil eraser. Make sure the surface is clean from dirt and re-insert SD card to your device and see if its work.
– Using CHKDSK tools
Using CHKDSK may only retrieve some of your files if the corrupted was severe. Cards with corrupted data will get any recovered data stored in the folder lost.dir in the SD card’s list of folders
How to Repair Micro SD card using a free recovery program
The one that really free is open source project, I compile some of the open source free program for data recovery:
Test disk. TestDisk available on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Although the interface is not GUI, this program is powerful. No installation required, just extract and run the file.
Recuva (pronounced as recover) is free and paid version.
How to Repair Micro SD card using paid recovery program
If you are looking for free Sandisk data recovery software on the internet you will get tons of result. Most of them are a free trial, means at some point you going to pay before recover big amount of data. This is still good if you have under 2GB data to recover.
SanDisk RescuePRO and RescuePRO Deluxe
Sandisk is the big name in memory chip business have their own data recovery program. RescuePRO Standard for PC One Year Subscription start from USD39.9
Use the trial version to make sure that the program can detect the files you want to recover. This will recover all type of Sandisk memory as well as other.
EaseUS data recovery software
This is my favorite, EaseUS data recovery software . Free 500MB Data recovery, when you share via facebook, twitter, or google plus you will get another 1.5GB free recovery. In total you will get 2GB of data recovery for free. If you find it useful and need bigger data to recover you will need to buy the license start from USD 69.95
CardRecovery v6.10 Recover Photo, Video, Audio files for phone and digital camera. The price is USD 39.95 per copy, 2 years free upgrade and no monthly or yearly fee. The evaluation version can preview the file but if you want to restore you need to buy the software.
I hope you find this post about how to fix a corrupted Micro SD card is useful, do not forget to share this article.